MOSCOW TIME: 14.02.2025 10:06:58

Novgorod Center of Export Support


Novgorod Center of Export Support

About Center of Export Support

In the framework of implementation of the regional target program "Development of small and medium enterprises in REGION 2008 - 2012 years," June 1, 2011 created a structural unit Novgorod Foundation to Support Entrepreneurship - "Regional Coordination Centre to support export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises" (hereinafter - Center).

The center was established in accordance with the order of Ministry of Economic Development of Russia from May 20, 2011 ¹ 227 "On the organization of competitive selection of the subjects of the Russian Federation, with a budget in 2011, provides grants to fund activities in the framework of state support for small and medium business entities of the Russian Federation."

The center is organized for the purpose of information and analysis, consulting and organizational support for foreign economic activity of small and medium enterprises, promoting the expansion of the export sector of the economy, increasing the volume of exports of finished products (goods and services) produced by small and medium enterprises as well as the output of export- oriented small and medium enterprises in foreign markets.

Key principles of organization and operation of the Centre are:

  • involved in the preparation of samples and reference potential markets abroad (including to assist with marketing research trade missions), and provide other consulting services on request for small and medium businesses that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services ) intended for export;

  • determination of priorities in support of foreign economic activity ñóáúåêòîâ ìàëîãî è ñðåäíåãî ïðåäïðèíèìàòåëüñòâà; small and medium enterprises;
  • potential partners - small and medium enterprises to foreign companies and investors (request the trade missions of the Russian Federation in foreign countries);
  • advance information about the company abroad: information about the company on a single portal of information foreign ministry of Russia in the Internet, the official portal of the Russian Federation on the development of foreign trade;
  • selection with the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation of the list and informing potential counterparties on the basis of the presentation materials (remotely without the personal involvement of companies);
  • meetings and negotiations with foreign partners (together with the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation - the search for foreign partners and the organization of negotiations with them);
  • to carry out, if necessary, examination of foreign projects and deals offered, and (or) sold by small and medium enterprises with subsidies from the federal budget;
  • provides accounting The center of the small and medium business and placing the list of all references to the results of monitoring of work on these requests are available on the regional Internet portal to support exports and investment and regional Internet resource for small and medium enterprises;
  • To promote and participate in the publication of the necessary practical tools for small and medium-producing and (or) selling goods (works, services) intended for export;
  • help attract investment delegations and implement an appropriate presentation of the Russian Federation in order to create the investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the regional coordinating support of export-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises:

  • promotion of foreign economic cooperation of small and medium enterprises;
  • help increase the number of small and medium enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services) that are intended for export;
  • creation and (or) development of infrastructure to support foreign economic activity of small and medium enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services) intended for export;
  • organization of information and consultation proumouterskoy software and support for small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services) that are intended for export;
  • development of human resources in public support for small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services) that are intended for export;
  • minimizing administrative barriers for beginners to small and medium enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services) that are intended for export.

Center together with the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in foreign countries involved:

  • participate in the preparation of the list and inform small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services), intended for export, on the ongoing business activities of small and medium business (trade fairs, exhibitions, tenders, seminars) held for abroad;
  • assist the applicant in establishing contact with the organizers of business events held abroad;
  • assist the applicant in establishing contacts with associations of small and medium-sized enterprises that produce and (or) selling goods (works, services), intended for export, other non-profit institutions abroad.

The Center operates the Regional Representation of the Russian Euro Info Correspondence Centre provides the following services free of charge:

  • information and advisory services relating to:
  • policies and programs of the European Union and the Russian Federation for support of small and medium businesses;
  • legislation of the European Union and the Russian Federation in the field of business and economic activity;
  • tariff policy and customs regulations in the European Union and the Russian Federation;
  • the single market of the European Union and enable them to promote the products and services of Russian enterprises;
  • provision of contact details of European and Russian manufacturers, exporters and importers;
  • quality standards and other requirements of the European Union for goods and services;
  • EU projects in the field of promotion of entrepreneurial activities and opportunities of access for Russian SMEs to financing (funds) of the European Union;
  • promotion of business cooperation Russia - the European Union and the promotion of Russian enterprises in the European and inter-regional markets: assistance in finding potential business partners to meet the needs of Russian and European companies:
  • information exchange offers, requests, and business information;
  • dissemination of interested Russian companies and their intent to establish business relations with European partners through special database "Doing business" network Euro Info Correspondence Centres, holding events that promote business cooperation between Russian and European companies (seminars, business meetings, information activities ).

Center counts on mutual cooperation: assistance in obtaining all the necessary information related to export-oriented companies, as well as investments in the Novgorod region.


173021, Veliky Novgorod, Kochetova st, 30.

Fax: 8 (8162) 67-02-84

Tel.: 8 (8162) 67-02-83

(8162) 67-02-83 Lavrentieva Tatiana

Expert of Centers

(8162) 67-02-83 Naumova Katarina

Expert of Centers

(8162) 67-02-83 Kalashnikov Alexey

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